"From highly skilled economic migrants to refugees with special skills or cultural experience each individual migrant has something of value to contribute to a nation."
Personal Immigration

High networth and Skilled Individuals
In a time of economic recovery the contribution that high networth and high value migrants can make to the nation is recognised by governments all across the globe.
Global Talent
Please see details in our Services for Businesses page.
Start-ups and Innovators
Please see details in our Services for Businesses page.
This enables you to gain accelerated routes to settlement whilst maintaining your portfolio of investments in what remains one of the most important financial centres in the world.
Innovators and Start ups
This is for individuals who have a novel and viable idea for a business that can be scaled up rapidly
Skilled workers and Intra-company transfers
This permits skilled workers with a job offer to be sponsored by an employer who holds a sponsor licence. For workers already employed by a related company overseas Intra-company transfers allow skills transfer.
T2 Ministers of Religion
This allows those with the particular vocational skills and experience to join their faith community in the UK.
T2 Sports People
This is for individuals with international level skills to be engaged by sponsors in the UK.
International students studying at Universities, International Colleges and other accredited HEIs or Child students studying at Independent Schools could be sponsored by their educational institution.
T5 Temporary Workers
There are several schemes under this:
Youth Mobility Workers from designated countries aged between 18 and 30 who do not require sponsorship
Religious Workers or Charity Workers who require sponsorship for temporary assignments
Creative and Sporting if you have been offered short term work by a sponsor in the creative industry, for example an actor, dancer, musician or film crew member
Government Authorised Exchange for short term work experience or training, an Overseas Government Language Programme, research or a fellowship through approved schemes
Turkish Worker visas (Ankara Agreement)
If you are a Turkish national with permission under EEC Association Agreement with Turkey you can apply to extend your stay in the UK as a Turkish Worker.
EUSS holders
If you were resident in the UK by 31.12.20 you could apply under EU Settlement Scheme by 30.6.21 and you will be granted either Settled status or pre-settled status depending on the length of your residence. If there are good reasons why you could not apply by this date you may be able to make a late application. If you have Permanent Residence under the EEA regulations you should apply under EUSS nevertheless.
Frontier workers
If you are a worker or self-employed person from a Member State of the EU and you do not qualify under the EU Settlement Scheme for Settled or Pre-Settled Status you but you commenced working in the UK by 31.12.20 you may be able to maintain work links to the UK via this permit.
Protection Routes
Individuals who fear persecution on account of "a Convention reason" be it because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or their membership of a particular social group may seek sanctuary in the UK under international instruments such as the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees or seek "subsidiary protection" in the form of humanitarian protection under the EU Qualification Directive if they face real risk of serious harm in their country of origin such as those fleeing a conflict zone.